
    Luca Zitiello
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan
    Honorary Partner

    Luca Zitiello

    ADVANT Nctm - Milan
    Honorary Partner


    English / Italian

    Practice Areas



    Luca Zitiello has been providing both specialized consultancy and judicial assistance to banks, intermediaries and insurance companies as a lawyer admitted to practice before the Superior courts, for more than thirty years.

    He has held positions as a board member in supervised entities and is the author of numerous publications on the subject of financial, banking and insurance market law.

    He cooperates with specialized magazines, the national press and television programs. He participates, as a speaker, in conferences of national interest on issues of the financial, banking and insurance markets.

    He held training meetings, as a teacher, organized by the Superior Council of the Judiciary; he was a member of the Board of Probi Viri in AIPB, Assosim, Assilea and Assofiduciaria and President and member of supervisory bodies of banks and asset management companies; he is Vice President of the Legal Commission of AIPB.


    • Law Degree, University of Florence, 1989
    • Admitted to the Bar of Milan, January 1992 
    • Admitted to practice before Superior Courts (Cassazionista) since 2006 


    La giurisprudenza sul cosiddetto “risparmio tradito” – raccolta ragionata delle sentenze sul contenzioso tra banche e clienti relativo ai recenti casi di default
    by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2005;

    MIFID – La nuova disciplina dei mercati, servizi e strumenti finanziari
    by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2007;

    La MiFID in Italia - La nuova disciplina dei mercati, servizi e strumenti finanziari
    by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2009;

    La disciplina dell’intermediazione assicurativa e del private banking 
    in Il private insurance, by M. Oriani e B. Zanaboni, Milan, 2009;

    La tutela del cliente e le regole di trasparenza – la disciplina degli inducements
    in Banche e banchieri, 2010, 2 e ss.;

    Consulenza in materia di investimenti e conflitto di interessi
    in La consulenza finanziaria by M. Oriani e B. Zanaboni, Milan, 2012, 185 e ss.;

    Il nuovo mediatore creditizio
    by F. Miglioli and L. Zitiello, Milan 2014;

    I prodotti finanziari assicurativi - Un'analisi ragionata della giurisprudenza
    by L. Zitiello, Ipsoa, Milan, 2014;

    Le società fiduciarie: governance, struttura organizzativa, vigilanza e controlli interni
    in Le Società fiduciarie nel private banking, Milan, 2018, 28 ss.