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    Across The EUniverse - Number Twelve

    Spring is in the air and the rush is on to get as much work as possible done so that we can think about the summer, think about holidays and think about time with our families.


    But in this rush to clear the decks before the summer we must still stay vigilent to what is happening to our European Union. The election in Austria was a close run thing. Brexit might happen. Turkey could turn-on the migrant conduit again.


    European integration, like any other social enterprise, must be worked on constantly. There can be no rest.


    In this month’s Across we look at whether China respects or not its WTO Commitments; the lack of a lesser duty rule in EU trade defence law; how should be applied the European concept of res judicata; we also tackle the implementation of both European Retail Action Plan and the Copyright Directive in Italy; we count with a contribution analysing the new EU Regulation really checkmate multinationals and revamp individuals’ right to privacy once and for all and finally, a study in detail of the new EU Customs Code