On 28 February, the Milan Metropolitan Council approved the first three Metropolitan Thematic Territorial Strategies (MTTS), prepared in accordance with Article 7-bis of the Rules of Implementation of the Metropolitan Territorial Plan (MTP).
MTTS are in-depth and implementation tools of the MTP that envisage lines of territorial management in specific, strongly-integrated sectors, on priority supra-municipal and metropolitan issues according to the general principles and objectives of the MTP. Through the MTTS, the Milan Metropolitan City pursues a circular and flexible planning activity, based on a participatory process involving public bodies, experts and operators in the sector.
The first three approved MTTS, effective following their publication in the Metropolitan City's on-line Municipal Register, are:
In accordance with the provisions of the MTP, Municipalities will have to take up and develop, adapting them to local scale, the contents of the MTTS in their respective planning tools.
The content of this document is for information purposes only and is not and cannot be intended as legal advice on the topics dealt with. For further information please contact Rosemarie Serrato and Sara Petricciuolo.