Francesco Mazzocchi specializes in Competition Law and EU Law.
He assists undertakings involved in proceedings before the European Commission and Italian Competition Authority relating to cartel, abuse of dominance and agreements restricting competition, including vertical restrictions.
He has gained a significant experience in State aid, assisting public and private undertakings before the European Commission and the EU Courts.
He regularly assists companies in merger control matters, especially in multi-jurisdictional filings, covering antitrust and foreign investments control.
His expertise spans antitrust litigation, including actions for damages (private enforcement) and appeals of decisions by the Italian competition authority before the administrative courts.
Francesco regularly deals with cases relating to unfair commercial practices and consumer protection, both before the AGCM and the Italian courts.
He is the author of several publications in his areas of expertise.
Admitted to the Bar of Milan, 2008
Master’s course in EU Competition Law, London King’s College, 2010.
Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law, London King’s College, 2009.
“Antitrust Litigation 2023 – Italy”, L.Toffoletti, F. Mazzocchi
Chambers and Partners, settembre 2023
“Italy Merger Control”, L. Toffoletti, F. Mazzocchi
in:, luglio 2023
“Montessori v. Commission: A New Frontier for Competitors of Beneficiaries to Bring Action against a Commission Decision on Aid Schemes”, F. Mazzocchi, E. Gambaro
in: Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford Academic, febbraio 2019
“Rights and Remedies of Credit Institutions and Investors in the Banking Union (Supervision and Resolution)”, F. Mazzocchi, L. Santa Maria
in: Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, dicembre 2018
“State Aid Litigation before the EU Courts: the case of Aid Schemes”, F. Mazzocchi, E. Gambaro
in: Italian Antitrust Review (Rivista dell’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato), 8 marzo 2017
“Private parties and State aid procedures: A critical analysis of the changes brought by Regulation 734/2013”, F. Mazzocchi, E. Gambaro
in: Common Market Law Review, 2016(53), 2, pp. 385–417, marzo 2016