Iolanda Boccia deals with commercial and corporate law; she carries out consultancy and legal assistance in the field of civil law and in particular in the areas of Rental Law, Civil Liability and Compliance, as well as in the context of civil contracts and also of the Corporate Administrative Liability (Legislative Decree No. 231/2001).
She is qualified to act before the Supreme Courts in 2008 and in this context she performs legal proceedings, especially in the civil law sector.
Tecniche redazionali: sui rischi di inammissibilità in Cassazione alle novità premiali del D.M. 37/2018
Gabriele Travaglini, Iolanda Boccia
in:, Maggioli editore, 2018
“Bribery Act 2010”, corruzione privata e D.Lgs. n. 231/2001
Iolanda Boccia
in: Diritto 24 (Il Sole 24 Ore), 2012
La revisione del sistema dei controlli societari e la funzione di Organismo di Vigilanza
Iolanda Boccia
in: Diritto 24 (Il Sole 24 Ore), 2012