
    Luca Toffoletti
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan

    Luca Toffoletti

    ADVANT Nctm - Milan


    Luca Toffoletti deals mainly with Antitrust and Competition and Dispute Resolution.

    He regularly assists large national and international companies on investigative procedures by the competition authorities, on appeals before the administrative Courts, and in civil litigation (antitrust damages actions and precautionary proceedings). He has a wide-ranging experience in consultancy matters in the field of competition law, including antitrust compliance programmes.

    Luca is a researcher in Commercial Law at the University of Milan, where he teaches Competition Law and Economics, and is a member of AAI the Italian Antitrust Association.

    He is also the author of numerous articles on antitrust matters, including a monograph on antitrust and technical progress.


    • PhD in Commercial Law, Università Bocconi, Milan, 1999.
    • Admitted to the Bar of Milan, 1996.
    • Visiting Scholar, Yale Law School, 1994.
    • Law Degree, magna cum laude, Università degli Studi di Milano, 1991.


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