Mariateresa Villani Miglietta has significant experience in providing assistance and advice to national and multinational clients in the following subject:
employment contract, management of employment relations (disciplinary procedures, modification of the tasks, national and international transfers, and any other problem inherent in managing employment relationships), termination of employment contracts (individual dismissal and collective layoff procedures), human resources (recruitment procedures, company regulations, disciplinary codes), social security and safety at work, labor law litigation.
Decorrenza della prescrizione dei crediti retributivi per i lavoratori cui si applicano le tutele crescenti
Mariateresa Villani Miglietta
in: Il Giuslavorista”, Giuffrè, 8 Giugno 2015
Licenziamento per rifiuto del dipendente di trasferirsi e mancata impugnazione nei termini
Mariateresa Villani Miglietta
in: Il Giuslavorista, Giuffrè, 26 Novembere 2015