
    Ulrich Eller
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan

    Ulrich Eller

    ADVANT Nctm - Milan


    English / German / Italian

    Practice Areas

    Corporate and Commercial - Employment


    Luxury and Fashion


    T : + 39 02 725511


    Ulrich Eller, an Italian lawyer admitted to the Supreme Courts, is a member of the Department of Employment Law and Industrial Relations, where he primarily advises international clients with specific regard to employment and labor law issues. 

    Graduated at the University of Trento, he completed his studies at the same University attending a post-graduate Master in Transnational and European Law and achieving a MBA at the Austrian School of Applied Studies.

    Since 2001, he cooperates with leading international Law Firms (i.a. Bird&Bird, SLA-Osborne Clarke), operating within their international desks. He joined Nctm in April 2013. Ulrich Eller authored several publications in international Law Magazines and is member of the Italian Association of Employment Lawyers (AGI-Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani) and of the European Employment Lawyers Association.


    • Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2018.
    • Admitted to the Bar of Milan, 2006.
    • M.B.A. - General Management, Austrian School of Applied Studies, 2006.
    • Master in European and Transnational Law, University of Trento, 2001.
    • Law Degree, University of Trento, 2001.


    “A Strike can be considered as “force majeure event” only if it is not connected with an internal trade union conflict”
    in: LinkedIn, 2021

    “What Court has jurisdiction over individual maritime labor disputes? Italian Supreme Court gets back to the issue with decision no. 5739/2020”
    in: LinkedIn, 2020

    “The New National Collective Bargaining Agreement for Large-Scale Retailers (Did We Really Need Another National Collective Bargaining Agreement?)”
    in: LinkedIn, 2019

    “Ein System im Umbruch? – Anmerkungen zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen im italienischen Kollektivarbeitsrecht”
    in: Jahrbuch für italienisches Recht, Bd. XXV, 2013

    “Ein vor einem deutschen Arbeitsrecht getroffener Vergleich bindet die Parteien auch in Italien – Anmerkungen zur Entscheidung des italienischen Kassationshofs vom 2.7.2010”
    in: Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, 5/2011


    Two recent developments concerning seafarers’ illness
    We wish to point out two recent developments, which will both impact on the management of sick leaves of seafarers. First, we will examine decision No. 6530/2021 of the Court of Rome, whereby it is reit…
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    Health and safety in the maritime and port sector (still) awaiting decrees for harmonization with the Consolidat…
    More than 13 years have passed since the Consolidated Act on Health and Safety at Work (Legislative Decree No. 81 of 9 April 2008) came into force. Nonetheless, operators in the maritime and port sector ar…
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    A strike can be considered as a “force majeure event” only if it does not occur within an internal trade union c…
    In contracts commonly used, including in our industry, it is customary to include clauses that provide a definition of the concept of “force majeure” and therefore specify the “extraordinary and unpredicta…
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    What court has jurisdiction over individual maritime labour disputes? Italian Supreme Court gets back to the iss…
    By decision No. 5739 of 3 March 2020, the Italian Supreme Court gets back to dealing with the correct identification of the labour court having territorial jurisdiction to adjudicate on maritime labour dis…
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    Does the increases in the additional contribution for unemployment benefit “NASpI” also apply to maritime labor?…
    With circular letter No. 121, published on 6 September 2019, INPS (the National Institute for Social Security) has regrettably confirmed the fears of sector operators, who– after the publication of the so-…
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    An important clarification from the European Court of Justice on social security provisions for seafarers
    The maritime employment relationship is intrinsically characterized by important elements of internationality, which frequently impose the operator and seafarers to cope with juridical systems of other Sta…
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    Changes to the Instruments for Maritime Labour Inspection (Maritime Labour Certificate, Declaration of Maritime …
    As is generally known, the Maritime Labour Convention (ILO – MLC, 2006) is one of the most important cornerstones of national and international maritime labour law. More specifically, the Convention – whic…
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