
    Benedetta Musco Carbonaro
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan

    Benedetta Musco Carbonaro

    ADVANT Nctm - Milan


    English / Italian

    Practice Areas

    Dispute Resolution - Regulatory


    Financial Services - Insurance


    Benedetta Musco Carbonaro provides professional assistance in matters of financial market, banking and insurance law, focusing in particular on the judicial phase.

    She regularly assists supervised entities, both Italian and foreign, in disputes relating the provision of investment, banking and insurance services, resulting from the wrongdoing of employees, agents and financial consultants. She also provides assistance in disputes concerning derivative financial instruments.

    She is active, on the side of regulated entities, in disputes concerning financial and agency advisory relationships.

    She participates as a speaker in conferences on financial and insurance intermediation and banking services and holds training courses.


    • Admitted to practice before Superior Courts (Cassazionista), 2015. 
    • Admitted to the Bar of Milan, 2003. 
    • Law Degree, University of Florence, 1999.


    Il requisito della forma Vessatorietà delle clausole ex art. 1469 bis c.c.

    Profili processuali

    Il nuovo rito
    in: La giurisprudenza sul cosiddetto “risparmio tradito” – raccolta ragionata delle sentenze sul contenzioso tra banche e clienti relativo ai recenti casi di default, by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2005;

    Direzione ed azionariato 
    in: MIFID – La nuova disciplina dei mercati, servizi e strumenti finanziari, by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2007;

    Direzione ed azionariato e Impatto della MiFID sul contenzioso tra banche e clienti – Gli obblighi informativi
    in: La MiFID in Italia - La nuova disciplina dei mercati, servizi e strumenti finanziari, by L. Zitiello, Itaedizioni, Turin, 2009;

    Le polizze comunitarie e la questione degli eligible assets dei fondi interni 
    in: I prodotti finanziari assicurativi - Un'analisi ragionata della giurisprudenza, by L. Zitiello, Ipsoa, Milan, 2014.