
    Enrico Toti
    ADVANT Nctm - Rome
    Of Counsel

    Enrico Toti

    ADVANT Nctm - Rome
    Of Counsel


    English / Italian / Chinese

    Practice Areas

    Corporate and Commercial

    Beyond Europe

    China Desk


    T : + 39 06 6784977


    Enrico Toti is a representative for the China Desk in the Milan office. He has been working on China and Chinese law since 1997. 

    He earned his PhD by studying for long periods in China at the China University of Political Science and Law to perfect his Chinese language skills. He is the author and editor of numerous publications on Chinese law and translations from Chinese to Italian of the most important laws in force in the PRC. 

    He teaches Chinese law at the Law Department of the University of Roma Tre and is a Visiting Professor at the Shanghai International Studies University.

    He lectures on Chinese law in several master’s programs at Italian universities and organizes and speaks at international conferences in this field.

    In his profession, he mainly deals with contract law, corporate law, IPR, and environmental law in China. 

    Since 2003, he has been assisting Italian companies and groups in the Chinese market, advising, and managing operations of major Chinese companies in Italy.


    • National Scientific Habilitation to the positions of university professor of the Second Band in 12/E2 – Comparative law, 2023.
    • Rome Bar Association, 2011.
    • PhD in “Sistema giuridico romanistico, unificazione del diritto e diritto dell'integrazione”, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 2004.
    • Law Degree with honours at Tor Vergata University of Rome, 1997.


    • Chinese regulation of foreign direct investment, in State and Enterprise in the Law of Transnational Economic Relations, edited by M. R. Mauro - F. Pernazza, Springer, 2022
    • A bridge between Roman and Chinese law in The Making of Chinese Civil Code: Tradition, Transplants, Innovations and some Persistent Problems, Oxford University press, 2022
    • Diritto cinese dei contratti e sistema giuridico romanistico. Tra legge e dottrina
      Roma Tre-press, marzo, 2020
    • Quale sviluppo sostenibile in Cina. Riflessioni a margine della bozza di Codice Civile della Repubblica Popolare Cinese in materia di tutela dell’ambiente, in Chang`an e Roma, Eurasia e Via della Seta - Diritto, società, economia, Roma, 2020.
    • La protezione dell’ambiente nella codificazione cinese, in Roma e America. Diritto Romano comune, 40/129, Roma, 2019
    • Leggi tradotte della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, voll. I – X, Wolters Kluwer, 2000 – 2023