
    Laura Formichella
    ADVANT Nctm - Rome
    Of Counsel

    Laura Formichella

    ADVANT Nctm - Rome
    Of Counsel


    English / Italian / Chinese

    Practice Areas

    Corporate and Commercial

    Beyond Europe

    China Desk


    Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) - Life Sciences and Healthcare


    T : + 39 06 6784977


    Laura Formichella is the representative of the China Desk at the Rome office of Nctm. She has specialized in Chinese law since 1997 and is fluent in Mandarin and English. 

    She obtained a PhD spending long periods of time studying abroad at the China University of Political Sciences and Law in Beijing. Author of numerous publications on Chinese law and translations from Chinese to Italian of the main Chinese civil framework laws, she is a professor at the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' where she teaches Chinese law and is responsible for the 'Observatory on Codification and Jurist Education in China'. She is a lecturer in Chinese law in several Masters' courses at Italian universities and organizer and speaker at international conferences in this field.

    She has extensive expertise in all aspects of Chinese law, including Company Law, Contract Law, IPR and ESG.

    Since 2003, she advises many Italian companies for the Chinese market and major Chinese enterprises in Italy.


    • PhD “The Roman Legal System, Unification of Law and Integration Law”, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 2003.
    • Admitted to the Bar of Rome, 1999.
    • Law Degree, magna cum laude, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 1996.


    La legge sugli investimenti esteri in Cina (traduzione e note) 
    Laura Formichella, Enrico Toti
    in: Leggi tradotte della Repubblica Popolare cinese, Wolters Kluwer, 2021 

    Collana di studi giuridici euro asiatica “Chang’ An e Roma” (curatela)
    in: Cedam, 2019 

    La riforma giudiziaria in Cina ed il ruolo della Suprema Corte Popolare
    in: Roma e America. Diritto romano comune, Mucchi, 2019

    Fondamenti romanistici e insegnamento del diritto cinese
    in: Bullettino dell’Istituto di diritto romano “Vittorio Scialoja”, «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER, 2016

    La disciplina normativa sulla protezione dei dati e delle informazioni personali in Cina: emersione di un nuovo paradigma nel contesto internazionale
    in: Mondo cinese, Numero 171/2021

    New rules on foreign investment in China
    in: Production and circulation of whealth problems, principles and models, Giappichelli, 2022