Laura Perrone assists Italian and international clients in the context of corporate and commercial law related projects.
She has acquired notable experience within the corporate governance and compliance sectors, with special reference to the profiles involving the administrative liability of entities. In particular, she provides consultancy and assistance in the draft and update of organizational, management and control models pursuant to the Legislative Decree No. 231/01, as well as policies, internal protocols and codes of ethics.
Come ridurre i rischi di sanzioni derivanti dall’inclusione dei reati di contrabbando nel d.lgs. 231/2001
Luca Cavagnaro, Laura Perrone
in:Nctm Shipping & Transport Bulletin, 2021
Confisca a carico della società e reati tributari
Laura Perrone
in: Cass. Pen., 2017
Successione nelle cariche societarie e responsabilità penale in materia di reati tributari
Laura Perrone
in: Cass. Pen., 2016