
    Paolo Gallarati
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan


    Paolo Gallarati has gained significant experience in Italian and international transactions both in the SME and LE segments. He provides ongoing advice to Italian and multinational concerns, with a specific focus on compliance and data protections matters in heavily regulated sectors including TMT, energy, transportation and logistics, life sciences, food and beverages.

    He has been a standing tutor at the second level master for DPOs, for certification under UNI 11697:2017, editions 2018 – 2019 – 2020 - 2021 organised by Istituto Marchi di Qualità – IMQ S.p.A.

    Serves as panelist in conferences and high education courses in company and commercial law.


    • Admitted to the Bar of Milan, 1999.
    • Law Degree, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 1996.


    • "Starting a Business", Italian section contributions
      in: World Bank, Doing Business, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
    • “Il quadro normativo della vendita online di farmaci: limiti regolamentari e prospettive”
      in: Libro Bianco, Digital health & pharma and il nuovo patient journey, Netcomm, 2019
    • “Legge di bilancio 2017 e strumenti di controllo della spesa farmaceutica in Europa: comparazioni e prospettive”
      in: Pricing e reimbursement dei farmaci, AboutPharma and Medical Devices, 2017
    • “Investire in start-up innovative conviene”
      in: Quotidiano Energia, 2016
    • “Great opportunities of Kazakhstan: a guide for Italian enterpreneurs”
      in: IsAG, 2014


    Artificial Intelligence Act – an overview
    Introduction In April 2021, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter, “Artificial Intelligence Act” or “AIA”). The AIA intends –…
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    Cybersecurity in Italy
    Threats and actors in the field Knowing the threats to cybersecurity. Preventing attacks and incidents. Taking action. A guide for businesses in five contributions on Italian cybersecurity legislation. …
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    The NIS Directive and the obligations of essential services operators and digital services providers
    This fourth contribution on Italian cybersecurity legislation deals with the obligations imposed by the NIS Directive on security of network and information systems upon essential services operators and di…
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    Ukraine Crisis: how “SWIFT sanctions” impact commercial agreements governed by Italian law
    [IMPORTANT NOTE: this document is updated as at 10 March 2022; since the current conflict - which began with the invasion of Ukrainian territory by the Russian army between 23 and 24 February 2022 - and th…
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    Virtual meetings of corporate bodies (also after the Covid emergency): maxim No. 200/2021 of the Board of Notaries of Milan
    INTRODUCTION In order to deal with the state of emergency related to the spread of the COVID-19 virus (extended, as of today, until 31 March 2022), Italian lawmakers have adopted a series of rules w…
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    Pharmaceutical companies at the test of telemedicine
    Reducing the distances imposed by the measures for containment of contagion in order to regularly provide patients with healthcare services: this is the reason for the growing interest of the world of heal…
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    Amazon, Google, but not only them. 2021 Budget Law obligations for providers of online brokerage services and search engines
    Amazon, Google, but not only them. The increasingly frequent use by businesses of digital service providers (given the advantages – in terms of expanding business opportunities – that they can achieve) …
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    Transfers of personal data from the European Union to the United States following the “recommendations” adopted by the European Data Protection Board
    [IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is updated as of 10 December 2020, therefore, should the public consultation on EDPB (Recommendations 01/2020 result in amending the current framework, the content of this ar…
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    CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL | Coronavirus emergency: permitted and suspended business activities
    [IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is updated as at 28 April 2020 at 3:00 p.m., given that the state of emergency and the related regulatory framework are constantly evolving on a daily basis, the contents of …
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    CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL | The impact of the state of emergency resulting from COVID-19 on certain corporate law principles – Focus on the temporary changes provided in Decree Law no. 23 of 8 April 2020
    [IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is updated as at April 9, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. given that the state of emergency and the related regulatory framework are constantly evolving on a daily basis, the contents of t…
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    CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL | COVID-19: issues of concern to businesses in the field of personal data protection*
    *IMPORTANT NOTE: this memorandum is updated as of 31 March 2020 at 1 pm. Since the state of emergency and the related regulatory framework are constantly evolving every day, the contents of this memorandum…
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    CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL | Coronavirus and health and safety requirements
    1. Foreword Given the extraordinary situation related to the spread of the COVID-19 virus (for the sake of simplicity, hereinafter also referred to as “Coronavirus”), in compliance with the provisions ado…
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    CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL | The impact of Coronavirus (i) on commercial agreements and (ii) on certain corporate law aspects for companies
    [IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is updated as at 27 March 2020 at 4 pm: given that the state of emergency and the related regulatory framework are constantly evolving on a daily basis, the contents of this …
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