
    Valentina Cavanna
    ADVANT Nctm - Milan

    Valentina Cavanna

    ADVANT Nctm - Milan


    English / Italian

    Practice Areas

    Corporate and Commercial

    Beyond Europe

    China Desk


    Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)




    T : + 39 02 725511


    After gained experience in the field of Civil Law and Litigation, Valentina Cavanna provides legal assistance and carries out legal due diligence activities on Environmental Law and Health and Safety in the Workplace, in particular with regard to issues concerning Integrated Environmental Authorization, air emissions, water discharges, waste management, remediation procedures for contaminated sites and safety aspects (e.g., fire prevention legislation; asbestos); as well as on ESG and sustainability aspects (including legal risk management; ETS; CBAM; sustainability of value/supply chain; greenwashing, climate change and environmental litigation).

    Valentina graduated with laude and press dignity from Genoa University with a thesis in Administrative Law concerning juridical and administrative aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment.

    She is also Research Fellow (“Assegnista di ricerca”) on circular economy at Turin University in the context of a research project funded by PNRR (“NODES”). 

    Moreover, she is co-chair of the Health Section of International Association for Impact Assessment (“IAIA”). 

    Firthermore, she authored several articles on Environmental Law.


    • Registered in the special Register of lawyers admitted to practice in front of the Corte di Cassazione and other High Courts, 2024
    • MA in International Relations, cum laude and press dignity, Genoa University, 2014
    • Admitted to the Bar of Genoa, 2011
    • Law Degree, cum laude and press dignity, Genoa University, 2008.


    Semplificare per tutelare? Le valutazioni di impatto dopo il PNRR
    in: Ambiente&Sviluppo, n. 7, 526, 2021

    Ambiente e salute: obiettivi di valore costituzionale da tutelare anche oltre le frontiere nazionali [nota a sentenza del Conseil Constitutionnel francese n. 2019-823 QPC del 31 gennaio 2020]
    in: Corti Supreme e Salute, 2021 

    Tutela multilivello di ambiente e salute: il ruolo di Cedu e Unione Europea alla luce del caso dell’Ilva di Taranto
    in:, 2020 

    Tutela di salute e ambiente: riflessioni a margine dell’emergenza Coronavirus
    in:, 2020 

    Valutazione di Impatto sulla Salute (VIS). Normativa, Linee Guida, Applicazioni Pratiche
    Wolters Kluwer Italia, Milano, ISBN 9788821763298, 2017