
    Restructuring and Insolvency

    Our team specialising in Bankruptcy, Corporate Crisis and Insolvency law has a long-standing experience in assisting in the different stages of negotiated and judicial restructuring, bankruptcy proceedings, distressed investments and special opportunities, working in contact with distressed companies, creditors, investors, banks, financial institutions, receivers and other third parties involved in crisis and insolvency situations. 

    In particular, our professionals provide assistance in the following areas: 

    • assessment of the legal effects of the state of crisis, in relation to the debtor undertaking and the holders of outstanding contractual relationships

    • identification and analysis of judicial or private-law tools for resolving the crisis, with the twin goals of preserving value and minimizing risk

    • analysis of the fiscal impact of the possible alternatives and development of the best strategy for debt and credit positions

    • preparation and negotiation of refinancing agreements and interbank agreements

    • implementation of financial stabilisation operations, recapitalisation operations and debt-for-equity swaps

    • assistance in procedures for divestment of business complexes, corporate reorganisation and industrial turnaround projects

    • assistance with the preparation, negotiation and approval of recovery plans

    • assistance in tax arrangements and tax settlements, negotiated crisis settlements, debt restructuring agreements, arrangements in court liquidation, other bankruptcy procedures 

    • legal due diligence for assessment of investment risks, estimation of recovery time and handling of any litigation issues

    • preparation and negotiation of contracts, purchase offers or arrangement proposals

    • valuation and management of NPLs and bankruptcy loans

    • distressed debt (for trading and for possible restructuring & turnaround transactions)

    • handling of litigation in the above matters at both pre-litigation and litigation stages 

    What others say about us

    The team is ranked in Chambers Europe, Legal 500, Leaders League and IFLR 1000 2024

    ADVANT Nctm is a well-regarded firm whose restructuring team often acts for clients on in-court debt restructuring processes. The team's activity extends to distressed asset investment. The law firm has strong expertise in debtor-side work, in addition to significant experience in the real estate sector.” (Chambers and Partners)

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